oracle ebs 12.0 혹은 12.1 환경에서 custom jsp 파일을 등록하기 위해서는 별다른 방법없이 

$CONTEXT_FILE의 내용을 recompile로 설정하면 자동으로 인식되었으나

12.1 경우

<jsp_debug_parameters oa_var="s_jsp_main_mode">recompile</jsp_debug_parameters>

oracle ebs 12.2 부터는 아래와 같은 명령어로 컴파일후 AP서비스를 재시작 하여야 한다.

$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile -s '소스명.jsp' --flush

컴파일시 오류가 났는지 확인후 AP서비스를 restart 해줍니다.(혹은 oacore 재시작)

자세한 설명은 아래를 참고하도록 하자.

 In most cases the script will be run to compile specific JSP pages, for example to deploy a custom JSP page named MyCustomPage.jsp. The complete steps to deploy this are:

  1. Copy the MyCustomPage.jsp to $OA_HTML which is location the script picks up the JSP pages
  2. Run: cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
  3. Run: perl ojspCompile.pl --compile -s 'MyCustomPage.jsp' --flush
  4. Review that compilation is ending without error
  5. Confirm the following file is created $EBS_APPS_DEPLOYMENT_DIR/oacore/html/WEB-INF/classes/_pages/__mycustompage.class
  6. When recompiling an existing JSP also bounce the OACORE WLS servers. These will cache the compiled JSP and should not be restarted to pick up the new version.

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